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Sunday Afternoon Dharma Talks

A Single Thread Offering

Sunday Afternoon Dharma Talks

A Single Thread, Contemplative Order of Hsu Yun

Welcomes You Back to Weekly Dharma Talks On Sundays @ 2:00 pm

We will return to offering dharma talks on Sundays beginning on September 15th at 2:00 pm. 

  • Attendance for all the talks is NOT required. 
  • Please sign in on ZOOM before 2:00 pm each Sunday.
  • Please mute yourself before signing on.
  • Please turn your cameras on. 
  • A single Zoom link will be used for all the talks. The link will be sent to you when you sign up. (If you have already signed up…you will get the Zoom Link this coming Wednesday.)

If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn at


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