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To Subscribe to ZATMA

The Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun, developed by the founders of the Nan Hua Zen Buddhist Society, was the first exclusively electronic ministry on the Internet. The priests of ZBOHY follow the ancient teachings of Hui Neng and Lin Chi and the modern teachings of Hsu Yun. The Sangha has no dues or fees of any kind, neither do we accept donations of any kind. Our site is maintained by volunteers all over the world in a spirit of service. Precepts are given free of charge to correspondents who have demonstrated a sincere desire to follow the Buddha’s Eight-Fold Path.

A Deeper Embrace

Are you in a spiritual crisis?
Don’t forget the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS….a monk in training reminds us of the power of these teachings.

FREE E-BOOK: Work, Karma Yoga by Ming Zhen Shakya

The Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun will now begin to offer FREE E-Books. This e-book, WORK: Karma Yoga is a must read and it was written by our dear master, Ming Zhen Shakya. In offering this E-Book, we hope that it is beneficial to your spiritual path.

Detachment and McCormack’s “Selling Heaven” by Ming Zhen Shakya

“Detachment and Selling Heaven” is a memorable essay by Ming Zhen Shakya….it resounds on many levels like the sound of a gong being struck. Her exquisite understanding of the Irish tenor who is seemlingly forever drowning himself in sentiment, leaving many to go the grave soaking wet and her brilliant understanding of the attachment involved and the well-placed observance of the poems, especially McCormack’s, The Portrait.
Well worth the read!