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My honor is called loyalty

Abbot John has gone to war again. The Axis Powers were not defeated as we had thought. He hopes to live long enough to get the job done. In “My Honor is Called Loyalty”, he considers constructive options. Who will whisper “Soylent Green” to him?

The Woods (#5)

How does a slightly worn-out experienced man of limited means compete with a young and spoiled cosmopolitan heir. Not easily. In the final section of The Woods, Ming Zhen Shakya (Anthony Wolff) gives yet another example of there being no substitute for experience.

The Woods (#4)

The Standoff continues. Beryl will not drive into probable danger. She knows that it will be easier for George to find her on the one road that leads down the ravine, than it will be for her to locate George and the others in the endless woods, assuming they are even alive. Lilyanne takes matters into her own hands and forces unexpected reactions.

The Woods (#3)

George, Eric and Lilyanne have survived the plunge into the edge of Blue Marsh Lake, but a man with a rifle is shooting at them, waiting to pick them off if they try to surface for air and swim to shore. The men have the baby and the ransom money and they need only wait for hypothermia to kill off their pursuers. Why risk the evidence of gunshot wounds when nature will act silently and just as deadly for them? There’s trouble in the trio.