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Ask a Master: What is a Zen Retreat?

Ask a Master: What is a Zen Retreat? If you are thinking about attending a Zen retreat, Fashi Yao XIn Shakya offers some advice on how to approach the retreat. It’s all about vow.

Detachment and McCormack’s “Selling Heaven” by Ming Zhen Shakya

“Detachment and Selling Heaven” is a memorable essay by Ming Zhen Shakya….it resounds on many levels like the sound of a gong being struck. Her exquisite understanding of the Irish tenor who is seemlingly forever drowning himself in sentiment, leaving many to go the grave soaking wet and her brilliant understanding of the attachment involved and the well-placed observance of the poems, especially McCormack’s, The Portrait.
Well worth the read!

The Ox by Fashi Lao Yue

Many spiritual seekers do not know what the aim of practice is. In this essay, Fashi Lao Yue gives us some direction on the ultimate aim of Zen practice. It’s simple but it ain’t easy. See for yourself.