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I have for some time, viewed many of the essays sent in and finally thought possibly I would send something in that possibly may be of interest.  I am new to the Order in 2020 and … 

The Subcaster EM Cairn © 2017 It was a hard day – like most. The ground felt as though it was on an uphill incline no matter where he placed his old toes. The leather… 

Ming Zhen Shakya speaks on….Expectations & Martin Buber   Ming Zhen Shakya speaks…On Expectations Expectations by Ming Zhen Shakya, OHY What backsliding is to religious conversion, recidivism is to penal rehabilitation. Both represent failure, and Zen… 

90 Days of Silence

May we with all beings realize the emptiness of the three wheels, giver, receiver and gift. Language helps us understand but it does not take us beyond the material realm. Those who want to go… 90 Days of Silence

The Will to Choose

Work! Your Hair is on Fire! Don’t say, “I DON’T HAVE TIME!” Those words do not encourage, they deflate and burden the mind. It is, as some might say, stupid to think repeating those words is in… The Will to Choose