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Yao Xiang Shakya

LESSONS – Lesson 1. Where Do I Begin?

This short piece is for all those who need a review or a new beginning with their practice. It is a lesson we often overlook – especially when we find ourselves confused and restless. It’s a brief piece that presses you to ask “where do I begin?” over and over again. It asks you to review and examine where you are and make a commitment – to embrace a path and follow it with surety of purpose as our dear one Hui Neng is alleged to have done.

Viroqua Moment: Four Cylinder Engine Meets Horse & Buggy

Although enlightenment is sudden and strikes without warning there are preliminary strikes along the path that give us a glimpse at the absolute. The glimpse encourages us to continue the work knowing that encountering the absolute is not yet enlightenment. Lao Huo Shakya’s experience is an encouraging glimpse.

What is Zen Buddhism? FREE E-BOOK

A FREE E-Book by Ming Zhen Shakya – Surprising. Clear. Worth reading.

Ming Zhen makes it clear that Zen is a mystical practice. She offers us a short, penetrating and even historical explanation on the practice of Zen. Includes why Christians are interested – a definition of samsara and nirvana – and a “how to” meditate.