The Human Condition
Part One Please download the video to watch. IMG_0474 Rather than explain the video, please study it and notice what you see. Then, ask yourself what does the video express about the human condition? Part… The Human Condition
Part One Please download the video to watch. IMG_0474 Rather than explain the video, please study it and notice what you see. Then, ask yourself what does the video express about the human condition? Part… The Human Condition
See What is There We continue to look and see what is coming into view. When the precepts come together we see our daily labor. We begin with the reminder do no harm, cultivate… Dog Zen – We Love Everyone
A Tale for the Disenchanted Getting Out of the Disenchantment of Entanglement Here’s the ticket to get out of entanglements: be ready to participate fully devoted to what comes next with reverence. Let us… Be Susceptible to Dharma; That Which Holds Everything Together
Listen. Understand. Practice. Again. Again. Again. Do this all day long. ardent (adj.) early 14c., of alcoholic distillates, brandy (ardent spirits), etc., from Old French ardant “burning, hot; zealous” (13c.), from Latin ardentem (nominative ardens) “glowing, fiery, hot, ablaze,” also used… Mind-Stuff
Cooped Up? A Good Time for the Eight Awarenesses – First of Eight by Yao Xiang Shakya March 22, 2020 Have Few Desires In late winter the sugar ants arrive, uninvited. We first notice one… Have Few Desires Number ONE
It is ridiculous to be sucked up into the material world of delusion Life is endless meetings – every day, every moment. A myriad of things come into our life; our challenge is… Do Not Let the Manifestations of the Material World Obscure the Truth of Being
I wish I didn’t enjoy my prison ministry so much. If it were less agreeable I could make myself seem like a martyr for making the trip out to Jean every Wednesday. But the fact is,… Heaven and Hell by Ming Zhen Shakya
Not Yet, Still Life Still Life by Fly He stood alone, in the middle of his self portrait silhouette; with his back to any onlookers. Alone on a small mound of dark dirt where things,… Not Yet, Still Life
It certainly sounds bizarre: the ritual consumption of food or drink that symbolizes or transmutes into the body and blood of a god. Atheists love to mock the ritual and inexperienced theologians try to… Time to Resurrect This Teaching on Love by Ming Zhen Shakya
As a tribute to our teacher, Ming Zhen Shakya I will post her work throughout the month of November. November 19th marks the 5th anniversary of her departure. Venerable Dharma teacher Ming Zhen Shakya Ming… November – In Memory of Ming Zhen Shakya