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The Crossword Puzzle (#4)

Nola finds that creating a Zendo is an expensive and unappreciated task as Ming Zhen Shakya show us some behind-the-scenes chicanery in Part 4 of The Crossword Puzzle

The Crossword Puzzle (#3)

Neglect and individual defacement create havoc in a once-lovely building. In Part 3 of “The Crossword Puzzle”, Ming Zhen Shakya shows the daunting task that confronts Nola.

O Caminho Real

Não há caminho real no Zen. Em “O caminho real” Jiaoyuan Fa Shakya analisa as facilidades que muitos aspirantes anseiam.

El camino real

No existe un Camino Real al Zen. En “El Camino Real” Jiaoyuan Fa Shakya analiza el facilismo con el que se inician muchos aspirantes.

The Crossword Puzzle (#2)

Physical weakness does not guarantee an inability to cause trouble. As Ming Zhen Shakya describes Spencer Ghent’s condition he seems unable to create conflict. She’ll find out how wrong she’s been in Part 2 of “The Crossword Puzzle”

The Crossword Puzzle (#1)

An invitation to help correct a problem is often an invitation to accept the blame for it as Ming Zhen Shakya shows in Part 1 of The Crossword Puzzle..

Le philosophe roi

Le rang et le pouvoir ne sont pas une garantie de justesse. Il existe une tendance chez les riches et puissants, parfois même parmi les professeurs (qui usent de leur pouvoir), a penser que leur opinion est permanente et vraie. Qian Xin nous montre comment un enseignant courageux, en remettant en question les rangs et le pouvoir, peut amener un étudiant à la vérité lorsque celui-ci garde les oreilles et le coeur assez ouvert pour la recevoir.

Boredom as educator

Boredom has something to teach you — if you’ll pay attention. In “Boredom as Educator” Yao Xin of Knoxville share a few thoughts about this old friend of ours.

The Landlord

An unexpected discovery casts a shadow over a young couple routine. In “The Landlord” our Former Abbot Ken shows us how love can overcome all obstacles and keep life in movement.

Un dia para celebrar

¿Es el descanso simplemente dormir o no hacer nada? ¿De qué descansamos cuando descansamos? En esta nueva pequeña historia, un hombre abatido por la actividad intenta buscar paz para su alma consumida por las ocupaciones…

El vegetarianismo y el budismo

¿Debe un budista ser vegetariano? Y si asi fuera ¿por qué? en “El vegetarianismo y el budismo” Jiaoyuan Fa explora las ambivalencias que existen en torno al tema.