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Mirror, Mirror: The Riddle of Self Reflection, The Seeker

What comes out of your mouth matters! Whether you lie or exaggerate, whether your words are venomous or sweet. How you speak and what you say is a reflection of your spiritual state. And it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about….your words show you where you are on the path.

On Being a Master: Sinking into the Mud

When discussing what a “master” is or can be in our tradition with Yao Xiang Shakya, in preparation before her Master Transmission, she said “I feel being a master is sinking further into the mud so the lotus may rise higher”. 

Heaven and Hell

Ming Zhen Shakya gave this Dharma talk on heaven and hell in 1996…..over 20 years ago. It stands the test of time.

When We First Begin

For the beginner on the Zen path…..Fa Shi Yao Xin Shakya captures the essence of how we take the first step on the path to liberation and to knowing our Buddha nature.

Announcement: Another Master Blooms in ZATMA

In the truest sense of the Dharma, a master is a master long before he or she ever receives the ornamentation of being known as a Master. It is a gift to be found and given the responsibility to serve in this way. Yao Xiang Shakya, our dear old editor, is the founder and teacher of A Single Thread, A Contemplative Order of Hsu Yun.

Opowieść 32: Ciemne lustro

Częstokroć bywa tak, że nasze prywatne cele urastają w naszych głowach do takich rozmiarów, że przestajemy postrzegać rzeczywistość poprawnie, lub też przestajemy ją w ogóle zauważać – a to prowadzi już tylko prostą drogą do poważnych problemów. Tak bowiem jak kierowca prowadzący pojazd musi być jak najbardziej świadomy otoczenia, aby uniknąć wypadku, tak i każdy z nas powinien pozostać przytomny i świadomy otoczenia, aby uniknąć „wypadku życiowego”. Poniższa przypowieść Ming Zhen wspaniale obrazuje tę prawdę.

The White Birds

What have you tried? What drives your practice? These two questions underly Ming Zhen’s tale of Kanin. He exemplifies some of the struggle with pride and greed which turns into debilitating anger. Find out what happens to him in Ming Zhen’s White Birds.

Opowieść 31 – Człowiek, który zdołał pozostać.

Przypowieść o tym jak czasami można starać się „za bardzo” i przez to usztywnić się oraz zablokować swobodny przebieg sytuacji. Dowiemy się z niej jak – nieco się tylko rozluźniając i nabierając trochę pokory – możemy bez większego wysiłku odnaleźć harmonię i właściwy sens okoliczności.

Essence and Expectations: Digging for the Gold of Insight

In this complex. exquisite essay Ming Zhen leads us through the fine workings of insight as if we are obliged to ascertain the same truths and joys of Archimedes discovery of measuring the cheap copper from gold. This essay requires concentration, effort and skill….all fine tools of the spiritual adept.

Dharma Up Close: An Approach to Study

As a Dharma heir to Ming Zhen Shakya I feel it is imperative of me to share her work with others. Since she is no longer with us in body and mind making her unavailable to speak with you I thought it might be helpful to offer some comments on how to read and listen and sit under the golden waterfall of her offerings. This essay is a brief, very brief approach on one way to soak in Ming Zhen’s Dharma offering. May the Dharma bless you as it has me and many, many others.