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Sudden School Zen and Gradual School Zen

Beginners in the Path sometimes get confused when reading different Zen accounts. Usually, they get contradictory statements… In “Sudden School and Gradual School”, Ming Zhen Shakya explains synthesizes the approachs of both schools.

A Flash of Fiction about the Furniture People

The furniture people want to matter.
They want to be loved.
They want to count.
They want to be useful rather than be free.

In this FLASH of fiction, Yao Xiang Shakya shows how it looks to be caught up in the dust of the material world.


Le Bouddha et le bateau

Cette semaine pas de temps a perdre! Qian Xin et Yao Xin Shakya vous partagent cette cinquième histoire Zen. Encore une fois, le Bouddha Shakyamuni cherche a nous amener sur l’autre rive… saurons nous prendre le temps de l’écouter?

Le Scorpion et le Saint-Homme

C’est a vivre en accord avec notre vrai nature que nous invite cette histoire Zen. Qian Xin et Yao Xin Shakya nous proposent aujourd’hui de regarder la rivière s’écouler aux côtés d’un saint-homme.

La barque vide

Et si nous pouvions vivre nos vies sans constamment attaquer ou se défendre ? Dans «La barque vide ” Qian Fa et Yao Xin Shakya nous invitent à méditer sur une vieille histoire taoïste

The Crossword Puzzle (#7)

If the truth were known, Greed would rank highest of human sin. Greed is not mere covertness, it is a disease of the mind. In the last installment of The Crossword Puzzle, Ming Zhen Shakya shows how easily a confused person can fall under its spell.

The Crossword Puzzle (#6)

“Evil to him who evil thinks” is, considering the Lex Talons, the guiding motto of the seeker of enlightenment. In Part 6 of The Crossword Puzzle, A Touch of Jail, Ming Zhen Shakya reveals Nola’s enduring principle.