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Ming Zhen Shakya

Opowieść 32: Ciemne lustro

Częstokroć bywa tak, że nasze prywatne cele urastają w naszych głowach do takich rozmiarów, że przestajemy postrzegać rzeczywistość poprawnie, lub też przestajemy ją w ogóle zauważać – a to prowadzi już tylko prostą drogą do poważnych problemów. Tak bowiem jak kierowca prowadzący pojazd musi być jak najbardziej świadomy otoczenia, aby uniknąć wypadku, tak i każdy z nas powinien pozostać przytomny i świadomy otoczenia, aby uniknąć „wypadku życiowego”. Poniższa przypowieść Ming Zhen wspaniale obrazuje tę prawdę.

The White Birds

What have you tried? What drives your practice? These two questions underly Ming Zhen’s tale of Kanin. He exemplifies some of the struggle with pride and greed which turns into debilitating anger. Find out what happens to him in Ming Zhen’s White Birds.

Essence and Expectations: Digging for the Gold of Insight

In this complex. exquisite essay Ming Zhen leads us through the fine workings of insight as if we are obliged to ascertain the same truths and joys of Archimedes discovery of measuring the cheap copper from gold. This essay requires concentration, effort and skill….all fine tools of the spiritual adept.

Expectations by Ming Zhen Shakya

Ming Zhen Shakya tells us of what to look for in our self….with her experience as a prison chaplain. This essay requires contemplation….using her skillful means to point the Way.

A Quick Course in Zen Theology

Save by a few things, there is no issue more confusing than Buddhist Theology. Except that more people tend to feel able to debate about it that as the case of string theory. In this exquisite essay, Ming Zhen Shakya expounds a summary of the theology behind our Path.

Sudden School Zen and Gradual School Zen

Beginners in the Path sometimes get confused when reading different Zen accounts. Usually, they get contradictory statements… In “Sudden School and Gradual School”, Ming Zhen Shakya explains synthesizes the approachs of both schools.

The Crossword Puzzle (#7)

If the truth were known, Greed would rank highest of human sin. Greed is not mere covertness, it is a disease of the mind. In the last installment of The Crossword Puzzle, Ming Zhen Shakya shows how easily a confused person can fall under its spell.

The Crossword Puzzle (#6)

“Evil to him who evil thinks” is, considering the Lex Talons, the guiding motto of the seeker of enlightenment. In Part 6 of The Crossword Puzzle, A Touch of Jail, Ming Zhen Shakya reveals Nola’s enduring principle.

The Crossword Puzzle (#5)

A private place in the woods. It sounds like he perfect place to meditate away the city’s problems. But, as Ming Zhen shows in Part 5 of The Crossword Puzzle, it can be the setting of so much more.

The Crossword Puzzle (#4)

Nola finds that creating a Zendo is an expensive and unappreciated task as Ming Zhen Shakya show us some behind-the-scenes chicanery in Part 4 of The Crossword Puzzle