The Marvelous One
The Marvelous One The Marvelous One is the dweller in the bodies of all; that which you truly are…we are exhorted to cease from vain lamentations over the disappearance of what is transitory… The Marvelous One
The Marvelous One The Marvelous One is the dweller in the bodies of all; that which you truly are…we are exhorted to cease from vain lamentations over the disappearance of what is transitory… The Marvelous One
Old Monk Flowering 老和尚开花 Lǎo héshàng kāihuā shakya We are happy to welcome a new monk (unsui) to A Single Thread | Contemplative Order of Hsu Yun. The Dharma ceremony took place this month in… ANNOUNCEMENT: Please Welcome a NEW Monk!
Work as Devotion Trouble with Likes, Dislikes and Indifferences Knowledge is not produced. Knowledge does not come through argument or debate. Argument and debate are changing forms. Knowledge… Number 5: The Spiritual World of Work
Work as Devotion The work is not limited because Dharma work cannot be measured or comprehended. Measuring and comprehending disturb the mind. All things help you to cut off disordered and defiled thoughts and views… Number 4: The Spiritual World of Work
Work as Devotion Pay full attention to all action… the Way Seeking Mind is actualized… by rolling up your sleeves. Any Act that Leads to Your Original Nature is Virtuous Any Act That is… Number 3. The Spiritual World of Work
Pilgrimage to the place of the wise is to escape the flame of separation. Underhill I know. The quote may be difficult to understand. Read it again. Look carefully. With full attention. Where is this… Number 2: The Spiritual World of Work
“Whatever human existence there is; whatever freedom, rights and duties the individual has, whatever meaning there is in individual life, all are determined by society according to the society’s objective need to survival. The… The Spiritual World of Work
WAIT! May I Have Your Attention? Getting off track and daydreaming or entering a scattered mind state seems like an epidemic. From screen watching news to sports to politics to ads of every stripe… Work as Devotion; It’s All About Attention
May we with all beings realize the emptiness of the three wheels, giver, receiver and gift. Language helps us understand but it does not take us beyond the material realm. Those who want to go… 90 Days of Silence
Hell is empty… and all the devils are here. The Tempest, Shakespeare This fellow Shakespeare knew a thing or two. The line comes from the mouth of the young character, Ferdinand who has just experienced… Remembrance of Karma Yoga