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The Good Fortune of the Contemplative Path

Many might well question, as some often do, the solitary life….a life that directs itself towards the heights of Nirvana….in a singular way….towards the emptiness of not needing anything in particular….

A Quick Course in Zen Theology

Save by a few things, there is no issue more confusing than Buddhist Theology. Except that more people tend to feel able to debate about it that as the case of string theory. In this exquisite essay, Ming Zhen Shakya expounds a summary of the theology behind our Path.

Sudden School Zen and Gradual School Zen

Beginners in the Path sometimes get confused when reading different Zen accounts. Usually, they get contradictory statements… In “Sudden School and Gradual School”, Ming Zhen Shakya explains synthesizes the approachs of both schools.

A Flash of Fiction about the Furniture People

The furniture people want to matter.
They want to be loved.
They want to count.
They want to be useful rather than be free.

In this FLASH of fiction, Yao Xiang Shakya shows how it looks to be caught up in the dust of the material world.