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Hagakure (#5)

Firearms and Christianity brought new problems to Shogun Ieyasu which he solved by separation and division. When he died the Shogunate fell to his son and then eight years later to his grandson, the tyrannical Iemitsu. Forbidden to earn money and to spend months at court, languishing in boredom, most of the once-proud Samurai became poets, gamblers, fashionistas, gourmets, actors, gossipers, and womanizing drunks. Some, including Tsunetomo, who composed the Hagakure.

A Father’s Birth (#6)

In this final section of his paternal experience, Da Shi Yao Xin changes a diaper for the first time and finds in the experience a happy connection to Zen’s ancient monastic practice of using the Shit Stick.

A Prescription for Murder (#4)

In Belize, Karen considers her situation. She now knows why Marc received such preferential treatment from the police, but the information doesn’t help her with the problems she faces. She needs someone to help her. For years, she had been without a serious man in her life, and little by little she is beginning to find herself attracted to two different men: both will need her help, but for wildly different reasons. She wants to solve one problem at a time; but time is not on her side.


Our congratulations to Ken and Victoria who are now not only a happy couple… but a married happy couple!!!

A Prescription for Murder (#3)

There are old portraits in the hacienda’s attic that may explain some of the problem’s Karen is having. Getting into the attic is yet another problem. Ruiz, the police detective, says that he has information that will help her; but he is drunk and refuses to discuss what he has learned.

Hagakure (#3)

Japan’s first “Separation of Church and State” long cherished by Americans was accomplished by its first Shogun, (“the barbarian suppressing Commander in Chief”) Yoritomo Minamoto who let the Emperor preside over religious matters in Kyoto while he moved the government, the first meritocracy, to Kamakura where he set the stage for the flourishing of Zen and the Martial Arts.

La muerte y las semillas de mostaza

Muchas veces nos sentimos desgraciados: “¡sólo a mi me pasa esto!” decimos. Sin embargo, cuando miramos a nuestro alrededor y vemos que no estamos sólos, todo se vuelve más fácil.

A Prescription for Murder (#2)

A day of enjoyable sailing ends with the bad news of Agnes Celine’s death and the worse news that Karen Breiton is suspected of having caused her death. Karen has stumbled into someone’s trap. But who or why or what the event will have on her professional reputation are questions only a Mexican police detective can answer.

Hagakure (#2)

All great movements have a beginning which fulfills a need. Peasants, being given no armor or weapons when they were sent into battle, had to copy the “attack and defend” techniques of birds, insects, and animals. This became the beginning of Karate. In Part 2 of her Commentary on the Hagakure, Ming Zhen Shakya discusses how shifts in imperial power forced noble sons into the hinterlands where they became “servants” (samurai) of brutish warlords. They shed the foppishness of fashion and brought the ethos of unflinching loyalty to one’s lord, and this, mingled with the mastery of horse and weapon and the disciplines of Buddhist Meditation and weaponless fighting, became the root which had yet to send its stem up into the political world. This root would gather such strength that when it did break ground, it would define a civilization.

La flecha envenenada

A pesar de todo el ruido que nos rodea, muchas veces, la simplicidad de intenciones es nuestra mejor alternativa.

A Father’s Birth (#5)

Deliverance Day finally arrives for Da Shi Yao Xin. In Part V, A Tiger in the Belgian Forest, he tells us how it feels to suddenly become the dad of an adorable tiger cub, a.k.a. his son Eliott.

A Prescription for Murder (#1)

A Phoenix cardiologist is the perfect choice to be framed for murder. She believes, as do all unenlightened souls, that she needs the society of other people. What she needs to learn is not to have friends, but to be friendly to everyone. But that spiritual state is a long way from where she finds herself. She distrusts Mexico’s legal system and she trusts friends from home who are known as reputable persons of integrity. Her misjudgments are now her biggest problems.