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Yao Sheng Shakya

Hagakure (#6)

It is never too late to adopt the Samurai Way of Life, to abandon old selfish ways, to embrace new principles, and to devote one’s life to being loyal to those principles. Especially after a surviving a critical challenge to one’s existence, we experience a great need to find a better way of living, a code to live by that will impart indomitability to us. We are done with being weak. In her review of Jim Jarmusch’s film Ghost Dog, Ming Zhen Shakya shows one man’s conversion to the discipline of righteous beliefs.

Cowspiracy and The Cancer Detectives of Xian

Along with “Cowspiracy” (on Netflix) comes this recent announcement by the WHO about the dangers of foods we frequently eat. Processed meat (and some red meat too such as hamburgers) are put on the top of the “carcinogen” danger list along with alcohol, asbestos, arsenic, and cigarettes.


Our congratulations to Ken and Victoria who are now not only a happy couple… but a married happy couple!!!

La muerte y las semillas de mostaza

Muchas veces nos sentimos desgraciados: “¡sólo a mi me pasa esto!” decimos. Sin embargo, cuando miramos a nuestro alrededor y vemos que no estamos sólos, todo se vuelve más fácil.

La flecha envenenada

A pesar de todo el ruido que nos rodea, muchas veces, la simplicidad de intenciones es nuestra mejor alternativa.

El ladrón generoso

Los sombreros de los monjes Zen japoneses impiden ver quién es el que da la limosna y quién el que la recibe… mmmm… y de que servirá eso…

El demonio comprado

Cómo todos saben… la constancia nos conduce al objetivo. Una vez desarrollada, se convierte en una actitud que nos permite seguir adelante, a pesar de las dificultades o la pérdida de la motivación.

The silver mirror

Whenever we lose our vision, we risk losing everything. In “The Silver Mirror”, Abbot Yao reflects on those things that truly matter.